
This is the fundamental Kesagake no Suburi.

I am now going to explain 袈裟縣の素振り (kesagake no suburi – roughly “diagonal suburi”).
In Tenshinryuu we actually perform this in different forms such as running up to a 立木 (tachiki – “standing timber/tree”) and striking it forcefully or in groups of two hitting each other’s wooden sword while moving back and forth. However, for the time being, I will explain to you a simplified version of those training methods which you can also do all by yourself right where you are.


First, assume 八草の位 (hassou no kurai). From this stance, stretch both of your elbows while you take a step with your right foot and cut down.
From here, in case you’re training with a partner, you can just go back with your sword from the right and do another cut just like that, or if you’re alone, assume 八草の位 (hassou no kurai) on the opposite side and then take another step forward and cut down.
Then return to opposite side of that and make the same cut as in the beginning. Rinse and repeat.
In case of practising only one side, you can also just cut and go back, cut and go back.
The important thing is that the 袈裟 (kesa – originally the stole/scarf of a monk) in Tenshinryuu is about this angle, an angle to match the collar/neckband. We say that you should be able to slice off an ear with this cut, so it’s important to not go off too much to the side but rather cut down with the mental attitude of descending from right above.
Next up is the feet’s distance. As a general rule, we follow the one-fist rule for the distance.
In case the step you take isn’t too big, your left foot stay right where it is. In case you take a big step with your right foot, make sure your left foot follows and your feet’s distance satisfies the one-fist rule.
One more thing is the fist’s positioning after the cut. In many cases, the more you try to do a strong cut, the more your fist will end up behind your right knee.
Do not do that but instead make sure both of your fists go in front of your right knee when you do the cut.
In the opposite case, i.e. when cutting while taking the step with your left foot, it might be tricky but please take Hanmi as far as you can and moreover, make sure your fists come in front of your left knee when you perform the 袈裟懸 (kesagake – in this case “diagonal cut/slash”).

This has been a simple explanation of 袈裟縣の素振り (kesagake no suburi).




