Giho 40 Koran-to No.2/ 虎乱刀 弐
- Youtube URL lists for Den no Ichi Brush-up
- Giho 1 Jizo-Nuki/ 地蔵抜
- 【FREE】Giho 2 Tsurube-Nuki/ 釣瓶抜
- 【FREE】Giho 3 Tsuka-Uchi/ 柄打
- Giho 4 Tsuka-Uchi Addendum/ 柄打追加
- Giho 5 Kusame-Nuki/ 嚏抜
- Giho 6 Kanna-Dachi/ 神無太刀
- Giho 7 Migake-Gaeshi/ 身影返
- Giho 8 Ten no Gyakuto/ 点の逆刀
- Giho 9 Tsurube-Nuki Brush-up/ 釣瓶抜ブラッシュアップ
- Giho 10 Juji-Giri / 十字切
- Giho 11 Kojiri-Gaeshi/ 小尻返
- Giho 12 Ryueba-Hazushi/ 柳枝葉外
- Giho 13 Kesagake and Kenkitai Ichigan / 袈裟懸と剣気体一丸
- Giho 14 Myote / 妙手
- 【FREE】Giho 15 Nukiuchi no koto No.1 / 抜刀の事 其の壱
- Giho 16 Nukiuchi no koto No.2/ 抜刀の事 其の弐
- Giho 17 Kannuki-Nuki/ 閂抜
- Giho 18 Tengen-Nuki (Ten-Nuki)/ 天元貫(点抜)
- Giho 19 Tengen-Nuki (Do-Nuki)/ 天元貫(動抜)
- Giho 20 Fujin-Nuki / 風神貫
- Giho 21 Niji no Tachikake / 虹の太刀架
- Giho 22 Chochin-Barai/ 提灯抜
- Giho 23 Tosen-Niraminuki/ 尖睨抜
- Giho 24 Toro-Gaeshi/ 蟷螂返
- Giho 25 Haebarai-Zuki/ 蝿払突
- Giho 26 Tsuri-Nuki/ 釣抜
- Giho 27 Jizo-Nuki Brush-up No.1
- Giho 28 Tsurara-Hazushi (Ten-Nuki) / 氷柱外(点抜)
- Giho 29 Tsurara-Hazushi (Do-Nuki)/ 氷柱外(動抜)
- Giho 30 Tsurara-Hazushi (Kesoku) / 氷柱外(蹴足)
- Giho 31 Jizo-Nuki Brush-Up No.2/ 地蔵抜ブラッシュアップ2
- Giho 32 Batto & Noto Keiko Method/ 抜刀と納刀の稽古法
- Giho 33 Tenka-Chiburui, Sakate-Noto Brush-up/ 転柄血振るい・逆手納刀ブラッシュアップ
- Giho 34 Tsuka-Uchi Brush-up/ 柄打のブラッシュアップと稽古法
- Giho 35 Makko-Suburi/ 真向の素振り
- Giho 36 Sayabiki Brush-up/ 鞘引のブラッシュアップ
- Giho 37 Kesagake-Suburi/ 袈裟縣けの素振り
- Giho 38 Kesahazushi-Suburi/ 袈裟外しの素振り
- Giho 39 Koran-to No.1/ 虎乱刀 壱
- Giho 40 Koran-to No.2/ 虎乱刀 弐
- Giho 41 Koran-to No.3/ 虎乱刀 参
- Giho 42 Overview of Nagamono and Reiho/ 長物の概要と礼法
- Giho 43 Nagamono’s Posture/ 長物の位について
- Giho 44 How to stab with Nagamono/ 長物での突き
- Giho 45 How to stab as a finisher/ 留めの突き
- Giho 46 Posture of the Nagamono brush-up / 長物の位について補足説明
- Giho 47 Niguruma-Dachi/ 荷車太刀
- Giho 48 Tsurube-Nuki Brush-up/ 釣瓶抜ブラッシュアップ
- Giho 49 Kan’na-Dachi Brush-up 1/ 神無太刀ブラッシュアップ 1
- Giho 50 Kan’na-Dachi Brush-up 2/ 神無太刀ブラッシュアップ 2
- Giho 51 Habami-Dachi / 阻み大刀
- Giho 52 Fudo Karame-Dachi/ 不動絡太刀
- Giho 53 Juji Giri brushup1 / 十字切ブラッシュアップ1
- Giho 54 Juji-Giri Brush-up 2 / 十字切ブラッシュアップ2
- Giho 55 Kojiri-Gaeshi Brush-up/ 小尻返ブラッシュアップ
- Giho 56 Wakige barai/ 腋毛払
- Giho 57 Kyokuwan Noto/ 曲腕納刀
- Giho 58 Koden Haizaho Nukiuchi no koto I/ 古伝佩坐法 抜刀ノ事 壱
- Giho 59 Koden Haizaho Nukiuchi no koto II/ 古伝佩坐法 抜刀ノ事 弐
- Giho 60 Overview of Kenjutsu I Reiho/ 剣術の概要 壱 礼法
- Giho 61 Overview of Kenjutsu II Preparation and Maai/ 剣術の概要 弐 稽古準備と間合いについて
- Giho 62 Chisho ken/ 地昇剣
- Giho 63 Tengen Nuki Brush up 1/ 天元貫ブラッシュアップ1
- Giho 64 Tengen Nuki Brush up 1/ 天元貫ブラッシュアップ2
- Giho 65 Sawari to Saguriate/ 触りと探り当て
- Giho 80 Kusame-Nuki Brush-up 1/ 嚏抜ブラッシュアップ
- Giho 82 Kusame-Nuki Brush-up 2/ 嚏抜ブラッシュアップ2
- Drill 1 Jizo-Nuki Kazunuki/ 数抜 地蔵抜
- Drill 2 Taisabaki Bajoo dachi/ 体捌き 馬上立
- Drill 3 Taisabaki Tsumeashi/ 体捌き 詰足
- Drill 4 Amadare/ 体捌き 雨垂
- Drill 5 Kanisabaki/ 体捌き 蟹捌
- 【FREE】Shosa to Reiho 1 How to hold a Katana/ 刀の持ち方等
- Shosa to Reiho 2 Dressing/ 着付
- Shosa to Reiho 3 Explanation of Chakuza/ 着坐について
- Shosa to Reiho 4 Hakama-Sabaki/ 袴捌
- Shosa to Reiho 5 About Maai in regards to Zaho/ 坐法での間合について
- 【FREE】Shosa to Reiho 6 Shu, Ha, Ri/ 守、破、離
- Shosa to Reiho 7 ten’nuki, dounuki, douran’nuki and kyoudaigata/ 点抜・動抜・動乱抜と兄弟勢法
- Shosa to Reiho 8 Hand Form/ 手の形について
- Shosa to Reiho 9 How to Stand Up/ 立ち上がり方
- Shosa to Reiho 10 How to switching to Bajo-Dachi/ 点抜きのおける馬上立への変化について
- Shosa to Reiho 11 About the gap between the feet/ 足の幅について
- Shosa to Reiho 12 About bending forward and head positioning/ 前傾と頭部の位置について
- Shosa to Reiho 13 How to hold the saya/ 鞘の持ち方について
- Shosa to Reiho 14 About Zanshin/ 残心について
- Shosa to Reiho 15 Hanmi and Taimen/ 半身・対面について
- Shosa to Reiho 16 Kocho-Musubi/ 胡蝶結
- Shosa to Reiho 17 Myoga-Musubi/ 茗荷結
- Shosa to Reiho 18 How to walk/ 歩き方
- Shosa to Reiho 19 How to place your hand on the Tsuka/ 手の掛け方について
- Shosa to Reiho 20 Ken-Zazen/ 剣坐禅
- Shosa to Reiho 21 How to treat a Katana/ 刀の扱いについて
- Shosa to Reiho 22 Stances in Tenshinryu/ 足の形について
- Shosa to Reiho 23 About Kurai/ 位について
- Shosa to Reiho 24 Tenouchi – 1/ 手の内 壱
- Shosa to Reiho 25 Tenouchi – 2/ 手の内 弐
- Shosa to Reiho 26 Gasshurei/ 合手礼
- Shosa to Reiho 27 Kuwami Method
- Shosa to Reiho 28 Ten no Kurai
- Shosa to Reiho 29 Shin no Kurai
- Shosa to Reiho 30 Shin no Kurai II
- Shosa to Reiho 31 Shin no Kurai III Chi no Kurai
- Shosa to Reiho 32 Nokiha no Kurai
This time we are going to explain the parry in 虎乱刀 (korantou) in more detail.
In all techniques of Tenshinryuu we originally do not perform anything like receiving and stopping an attack.
Yet, just like 楷書 (kaisho), in case you split up the movement for training purposes, out of convenience and for the sake of stopping the attack, it will look like actually stopping an attack.
If you actually stop an attack with your sword, it will break or end up getting bent.
Then, if you counterattack at the same time, your enemy will end up sidestepping and being able to defend or chase you.
However, if you were to learn a movement that is not cut off at any point from the very start, you wouldn’t be able to protect your body from your enemy’s attack or break their stance.
Therefore, as training it is necessary that you split up the movement, start from 楷書 (kaisho) and practice and improve step by step.
The 楷書 (kaisho) movement is very important, however, please do understand that it won’t be of any use in actual combat.
Battou with the sousho 離 (ri)
Training method 1
Please allow us to demonstrate a training method of what we’ve explained in the previous video about doing battou while barely moving your right hand to the right.
You can do this with a wall to your right, but if you have some company with you, you may also simply ask them to help you practice.
Have them grab your tsukagashira. “Grabbing” in this case doesn’t mean holding it in a firm grasp, so please make sure that it is held gently to not obstruct you too much as it is done rather for confirmation purposes.
Then, place your hand on the tsuka in preparation for battou, but don’t do at the angle as is, but draw your sword while turning the tsukagashira slightly to the right.
As stated in the previous video, use the motion of your shoulder blade and hips etc. so that you’ll have to move the tsukagashira to the right as little as possible. Let your partner keep track of how much you have actually moved. About 5 cm should be fine, but regarding the movement you’ve seen now, using even more sayabiki to draw the sword would be ideal.
After that, keep going until the parry to complete this training method that will confirm whether your sword’s positioning has been a good one.
We’ll do it again.
One more time.
Right now he hasn’t gone off to the right that much, but I tried to push a bit for some support.
So if it seems like the sword would end up going too much to the right, feel free to give it a little push as if to tell them: “Slow down, buddy!”
In this case right now, truth be told, he didn’t do anything wrong but just to bully, I mean, for the sake of demonstration I pushed a little harder.
Otherwise, not to particularly obstruct them, please just make sure to stop the sword in case it goes beyond a point where you would say: “About this should be the permissible range.”
Right now, it would have been ideal if he had drawn the sword just little bit more to the left.
This has been how this training method should look like, so please feel free to actually try it out.
Training method 2
This is the training method if you want to use a wall.
If you started by sticking to the wall like this the battou would be a lot different from the very get-go, so instead start with your right shoulder 5 cm away from the wall to draw your sword.
From this position calmly pull out your sword and depending on how the angle of your sword changes, the tsukagashira will generally hit the wall.
From there just as mentioned before, pull back your right shoulder blade, while bringing forth your clavicle, move your right hip as you draw your sword.
If you do it too fast, you might run the risk of bending your sword or cutting of breaking your saya, so use your body as much as possible and draw your sword slowly in order for the tsukagashira to not end up hitting the wall.
Also, please make sure as much as possible to not raise your fist when drawing the sword.
Try to think of drawing the sword parallel to the ground.
Open up and stretch your body to its fullest extent and slowly draw your sword.
This has been the training method when using a wall.
Important points
Next up, I’m going to explain a few important points with a partner.
Right here, please be careful not to lower the kissaki too much.
I’ll explain to you how to receive/catch the opponent’s attack.
Do this kind of movement.
In the moment of receiving the attack, I hit my opponent’s sword with the 鎬 (shinogi – ridges on the blade), but from there I move my sword so I put his sword on the 峰 (mine – back of the sword) of mine, all whilst receiving his attack.
While I twist my wrist outwards, I move his sword from the 鎬 (shinogi) to the 峰 (mine) or my sword to receive his attack.
Do not catch the opponent’s attack with the blade like this. If you do this, your sword’s blade will get damaged and your sword might end up breaking. Because of that, please make sure to not receive/catch the attack with the blade but have it go from the 鎬 (shinogi) to the 峰 (mine) by moving your sword.
Also, do not stop the attack. Please make sure to use the recoil from receiving the attack to perform the motion of cutting their forearm right after.
Please do not stop the opponent’s sword like this. In the very moment their sword hits yours, flip over your sword to cut their forearm.
Onto the next point.
After receiving the attack, you might be prone to raising your arms above your head when intending to cut your opponent’s forearms.
Since this is especially a common beginner’s mistake, please make sure to not do that but instead, for the time being, do it slowly with only small movements to cut the forearm.
To tell you the truth, in a real situation you won’t be able to cut the opponent’s forearm with movements as small as these. The actual movement is slightly bigger.
As you could see, in actuality I raise the sword up to the height of my face. However, with just that I wouldn’t be able to build up enough force for the slash, so I add the motion of swiftly switching my feet with a jump to perform a proper and clean cut/slash.
稽古法 壱
稽古法 弐